Friday, July 20, 2012

Grow your retirement savings with Your Remodeling Skills

Build your retirement savings as you rebuild
and remodel homes!

If you’re keen on remodeling and design trends, you have a gift that you can make use of to grow your retirement savings. By getting a little capital together, you can turn a foreclosure from an eyesore to a desirable dwelling and net a profit. Best of all, you can defer many taxes on these ventures until you’re retired. The Equifax Finance Blog explains all about a great way for designers to build up their nest egg in the article, “Using Retirement Money for Real Estate Investments.”

Now is the perfect time to take one of the low cost foreclosed homes that are on market, and with a little work you can flip it – renovate modestly and give it some style before putting it back on the market. You can benefit from a flipped home by pricing it aggressively for sale or rent. Remember to be careful in pricing as there are others out there with the same idea as you, and you will also be competing against new foreclosures as they come onto the market.

The good news is that if you create a self-directed IRA, you can use the money from it to buy real estate and avoid capital gains tax from selling your masterpiece, as long as the profit goes back into the IRA. While keeping track of all the finances can be tricky, avoiding the taxes until you’re retired can help your money grow quickly. You may want to meet with a tax financial professional to sort out the specifics.

For more money management tips for everything from retirement to credit, check out the many great articles on the Equifax Finance Blog!

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